…Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco!
Name: Emerson Anderdon
work experience
and some skills
about me
In 2019, I was diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer, and my urologist recommended I remove my prostate. My procedure was done in Colombia because I have chronic conditions that require special care, and my insurer decided to send me to the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota in Colombia. Before the surgery, I went through extensive medical tests, to make sure I was fit for this type of procedure. The operation was done by a dedicated team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, assistant surgeons and OR nurses. The surgery went superbly well. My prostate was completely removed, without any nerve damage, thanks to this precise and advanced procedure. My recovery at the hospital exceeded all my expectations. The care that I received there was great! Now I’m cancer free, but I must keep on doing periodical check-ups, just to be on the safe side. Thank you very much Health Solutions and all the staff at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota. I will always be grateful for your help.
I was experiencing dizziness and headaches; I saw my Doctor and after some tests I was diagnosed with a meningioma, a brain tumor. I was advised that I needed stereotaxic radiosurgery. Because that technology is not available in my home country, my insurer and my Doctor advised I go overseas for my treatment. I was offered two different destinations in Colombia, and I decided to go to the Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali. Before traveling, I had the opportunity to talk with the specialist in Colombia. The team arranged a tele-consultation, and I asked all the questions I had with regards to my health condition. Once I decided to travel, the team had all the arrangements nicely made for my trip. I was very surprised to find out that any and all details were considered. I stayed at Belanova Centro de Recuperación, which is conveniently located close to the Hospital. I had all my appointments scheduled and ready for my procedure with no hassle. The day of my procedure (it was carried out as a day case) at Fundación Valle del Lili, I had the best team, and all the Nurses and Doctors were very warm-hearted and supportive. After one week in Cali, I was totally recovered, and I attended my check-up appointment where I was told I was tumor-free and ready to return home. My Doctor has been in contact with the team of Doctors in Cali for my follow-ups. I highly recommend Fundación Valle del Lili , Bela Nova Centro de Recuperación and Health Solutions by Global Access
A few months ago, my urologist ordered my routine tests and had to deliver bad news. I had stage IV Prostate Cancer – I was devastated. My urologist and I discussed my treatment options, and I was offered Radiotherapy. I was embarrassed to talk about this; however, a couple of friends of mine had had the same situation in recent years. They suggested I take the treatment without a second thought. My Doctor made a referral to Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali. I had to stay in Cali almost three months, as the radiotherapy plan takes 9 weeks. Initially, I was very scared because I had no previous experience with medical treatments abroad. All the team: the ladies at Health Solutions, the hotel staff and the Doctors at Fundación Valle del Lili made me feel like I was at home. After I finished radiotherapy, I was able to fly back home and keep on going with my life as per usual. Many thanks to the Health Solutions team.
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